Welcome! To any of you readers out there (which is probably no one) I hope you have a fantastic day! Before I start blogging about random frivolity, daily minutiae, and other philosophical thoughts of this world, I shall first explain to you the meaning of my blog's title.
Outwardly Inward alludes to the irony of blogging. Blogs are generally composed of the inward thoughts of their writers. Yet blogs are a physical, documented manifestation of these thoughts and because they are on the Internet, your thoughts essentially lose all hope of privacy. Of course, hopefully the author of a blog uses a filter and is protected by anonymity...unless you're a celebrity, in which case your fans hang on to your every word in hopes of being vicariously satisfied by your exponentially more exciting life.
Anyway, I find it funny when people complain about how what they posted on the Internet came back to haunt them. You, the reader, may then wonder if I am a person with nothing to lose and can therefore be extremely extroverted when writing this blog. My answer is: NO. I will have to disappoint you, random person. I will be extremely discretionary and divulge very little personal detail. Instead, I shall expound on my topics in a general, swooping way or else use symbols and fictitious settings to tell you of an outrageous life event.
Let the adventure begin!
The Not So Outwardly Inward,
I am the first follower! Muahahaha!! No pressure should this blog fall into obscurity being shoved far into the back of your mind.